Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Second Moon out on DVD

Finally the movie SECOND MOON went on sale as of May 3, 2011 from Celebrity Video Distribution. It’s available through most major DVD carrier’s websites. (such as Amazon.com or Borders.com or Target.com and many more) But you will need to do an “Art of Love DVD Sugano” for correct search.

BUT it’s no longer called Second Moon. Its new title is ART OF LOVE. Yes, it had a rebirth like a phoenix and now is ready to sour to the sky!

Please help spread the word and help make the sales!! It is currently ranked #57,523 on Amazon.com and that is a bit embarrassing.

Here is the new official movie website. Please Facebook, Tweet or blog about it in your community. It will not go anywhere without your help: www.ArtOfLoveMovie.com

Thank you for your involvement in this project. I hope this film has given you some memorable and educational experience. And I hope you’re in a much better place in your career now. I will continue to make films and hopefully our path will cross again someday. Please stay in touch.

It’s been six long years since the production. Now I am married, have been blessed with two wonderful daughters, and find myself somehow living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I’m planning to shoot a feature or two while I’m here. Please go to the website and sign up to join my film group.

Thank you and good luck to you all.